357 Livingston Avenue
Livingston, NJ 07111
Telephone: 973-535-7970
Fax: 973-535-7997
Court Adm. Walter Mollineaux
Judge: William Williams, Jr.
Court Sessions: Wed. 5 PM/Thurs. 9 AM
Criminal Defense in Livingston, NJ
If you or a family member has been charged with or is under suspicion of a criminal offense in Livingston, New Jersey, it can be a life-altering event. It’s imperative that you treat this situation with the utmost gravity. A conviction will impact your life now and possibly for years to come. It’s important that you understand your charges, your rights and the possible penalties, as well as the best way to proceed in defending against your criminal charges. The most expedient way to accomplish this is to retain an experienced criminal defense firm. At the Law Offices of John F. Marshall, our criminal defense team has earned a stellar reputation for assisting our New Jersey clients efficiently and respectfully.
Livingston NJ Criminal Charges
The Law Offices of John F. Marshall criminal defense practice provides legal representation to individuals facing charges for drugs, domestic violence, assault and threat charges, weapons offenses, shoplifting, fraud and theft, sex offenses, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct. We also provide expungement services, and handle Livingston Traffic Violations, including DWI/DUI. The Township of Livingston experiences a relatively low violent crime rate, but a higher than average property crime rate. The overall crime rate index is about half that of the nation.
Knowledgeable Lawyers To Defend You
An effective criminal defense attorney has experience in the field with knowledge of the criminal codes and statues on the local, state and federal level. Our criminal defense team includes a number of former prosecutors with invaluable experience on the prosecutorial side of criminal proceedings. This insider’s view assists us during every phase of your case, from investigation to court proceedings, and when necessary, appeal. Other qualities of a good criminal defense attorney that each of our lawyers exhibits are exceptional communication skills that ensure you are kept informed of the progress of your case, excellent negotiating skills that enable him to obtain a favorable plea bargain, experience with the crime you are accused of, and a proven track record. The Law Offices of John F. Marshall defense team has a combined total of more than ten decades of experience defending against DUI and criminal offenses. We possess all the qualities you need at this difficult time in your life to help you deal with this experience successfully.
Contact Our Law Firm
Our firm can offer exceptional defense representation whether you are facing a traffic charge in Livingston or an indictable crime that has been sent to the Essex County Superior Court. We are former prosecutors and team of attorneys who have been successfully defending individuals for over a century combined. The attorneys on our team have a track record of aggressively fighting for the rights of its clients in Livingston and throughout the state of New Jersey. Contact the Law Offices of John F. Marshall at 973-710-1520 24/7 to discuss your criminal case.